Thank goodness for that! I wasn't looking forward to it, I never managed to get in the usual Christmas mood, I didn't have the greatest day so I'm well and truly glad it's over!!
I would really love to manage to save up and go out for lunch on Christmas Day next year. There is always too much stress and emotional roller-coastering at home for one reason or another. It's either that or start drinking at 7am!
On a positive note. I had some lovely presents off my wonderful husband...
I had an owl sewing basket (it's way bigger than it looks). A lovely watch. Some M&S fluffy bootie slippers. A crochet blocks book and a crochet pattern for an owl... yes another owl!

The boys all seemed happy with what they had complaints at all! (Like they'd DARE!)
It was nice to see some of presents being used consistently throughout the day actually, that's when you KNOW you've got it right :)
Right, now for the saving for next year's events :| Does it ever end??!!!
I SO miss family and friends at Christmas :(
Anyway. Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have a fab 2013, I'm certainly hoping for improvements.