Well I never thought I'd see the day that I wasn't looking forward to Christmas; bit it's arrived.
I have been so organised, bought presents, wrapped the majority of them, written and posted cards early and booked a Christmas shopping delivery slot. I would normally have my decorations sorted and hung at the start of December too... but no; not this year.
We have two additions to our family this year in the form of kittens! Jack and George are nearly 7 months old now, so the hope of having a nice Christmas tree up this year completely disappeared early on. This did not help my 'Christmas mood'. I love them to pieces but there is really no point having a tree up with lots of dangly, jangly, sparkly things on it to entice their kitten-like activities for me to then get annoyed with them.
One area of my life has been very stressful over the past month or so and I know this is the main reason I can't focus. I have no excitement, I haven't done any baking, I'm not bothered about my Christmas cheesy music that I usually blast through the house, I don't even know what we're having to eat on Christmas Day yet! I seem to have lost my Festive OOMMPH! ...and I don't like it. To top it off, I'm working all day on Christmas Eve when I usually do all my food prep!
If it wasn't for my 10 year old, it would be cancelled this year... completely! I just couldn't do it to him ♥
I'm waiting for January so it can all be over!!
The photo I took of a 'twiggy' style tree I decide to put up is far from perfect but better than nothing, and along with more lights and tinsel around the lounge we look a little bit twinkly. It's a far cry from my usual décor though.
** Bahhumbug **