June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Love and
miss you
so much


Gretel the Zombie

I found this 'cute' pattern at  Speckerna, it's free too; thank you! 

I added the blood for a bit more of an effect, I think it works! 


June 12, 2012

My very first bear :)

Now I know she is in the safe hands of her new owner; I thought I should post her on here.  She was my very first attempt at making a proper teddy bear, I made her about a month ago.  I would have liked the legs to have been a little fatter...erm curvier, but overall I'm very happy with her and she's certainly unique (although she does have a brother out there somewhere *wink*).  I hope she lasts many years :)

The story so far...

Just a few of the things that I've made up to now...


Daisy Daisy...

Hopefully this will last Miss Polly a little
longer than the others.


Morris the Monkey

I LOVE this lil guy! I'm really pleased with 
how he turned out, I might just have to 
make another one of these...or ten!

June 10, 2012

A Ray of Sunshine

Isn't this pretty? Like a ray of sunshine to brighten up any day.

Surprisingly this took me less than 2 hours to make this morning, would've been less if the creator of the pattern learned to explain things properly! :\

Just playing around...

Just playing around with some new patterns.  
I found a daisy style granny square (left...obviously) and thought I'd give it a whirl... that was my 4th attempt at getting the daisy right but I think it's pretty.  I added the white border to it myself as it didn't look 'finished'.  Not sure whether the leave it as a coaster or make some more and turn it into something a little more exciting. Hmmmm... decisions decisions! 
The round one is a coaster.

...for Matthew
...for Tyler

More emigrating

Hope the boys enjoy 
them Melissa xx

June 8, 2012

Something new

Teddy bear coaster...

Nothing fancy...

Nothing terribly difficult...

Just a teddy bear coaster...


New phone...YAY!

Finally I have a new phone...after suffering with my Sony Ericsson X10 Mini for 2 years! My X10 mini was a reliable phone and I never had any problems with it but dang it was s...l...o...w...

I wanted something completely different and definitely wanted something other than Android.  Eventually with lots of reviewing from my trusty husband ♥ I settled on this Nokia Lumia 800 and of course Gavin found me THE best monthly deal.  My contract cost is almost half what it was.

June 6, 2012

It takes all sorts!

....I came across this whilst browsing my Blogger favourites today. 
Apparently it took 500 hours to do!


Now that's NUTS!

June 4, 2012

My latest item - a phone cover.

It's dark purple and lilac (with a pink flower) 
but looks somewhat blue taken with my 
stupid phone!

There are little pink beads on the petals too 
which you can't really see either.

Happy 6th Anniversary

This is me and my husband on 3rd June 2006; on our wedding day!

PhotobucketIt's amazing how times flies; I can hardly believe it's been 6 years already (and 1 day as I meant to post this yesterday :p).

We have an awesome marriage maybe that's why it seems to have gone quickly as 'time flies when you're having fun' doesn't it?

Here's to many, many more happy years! I love you with all my heart Mr. Groom ♥